Analyse SEO : Balise H1 absente

Pour optimiser mon site, je fais appel à un analyseur SEO qui me dit : La balise

est absente.

Comment dois-je procéder pour modifier mon site.
Merci d’avance.

@patgen Can you describe your issue a bit more??

Hi, I use “Bing Webmaster” to verify my referencement SEO. And the analyze said : no balise H1.

It means there is no “H1” tag. So check with the tags.

Yes, I understood there is no H1 tag ; it’s clear. But with the builder, what menu I will do use to install it?

Ohh you’re using the Zyro website builder? By default, <h1></h1> tags are added when you drag a text box somewhere and use the Header 1 option in the dropdown.

Super, thanks a lot.
Merci beaucoup.

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