App Error with my domain

I set up my domain and my site but when i go to my link i get this i don’t know why i looked on here on a similar problem but i am not running wordpress so i’m thinking maybe it’s my .htaccess file my script brought? my site link is but i have a domain with freenom parked which is

Application error
An error occurred in the website and your page could not be displayed. If you are the website owner, check your logs for details.

Did You Try deleting .htaccess?

i did but i then gave me a 404

What type of files you have?

social network script

Change the PHP version to a lower one:

cPanel > Settings > General > Change PHP version > 5.6

i tried that too and nothing changed :frowning:

Did you did any changes after that this error begin?

nope i only got it when trying to install this script this is the first time i’m seeing it

Press the repair button in
manage website >> settings >> general >> repair

still the same error

Can i have the downloading link of that script?

Hi @rawcyanide

I removed following part from your .htaccess and now it’s working. You can install it now.

<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/jpg
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/png
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript

However, I have no idea why it gives 500 error. Let me ask our developers. I’ll reply you as soon as they reply :smile:


it works now thanks! :open_mouth:

mod_deflate is not supported by 000webhost.
That was the main issue :slight_smile:

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is there a reason why when i try to install my script it says incorrect database name even though i put in the correct one

It should work, plz post screenshot of the error??
How you use database name, i mean including id******_dbname or just dbname?

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i’m putting the entire thing with the id

Try this,
Delete your current database and then create a new database and then try again.
Note:- Use correct database details.

okay i will try that here’s a screenshot fo the error

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