Blacklist domain

Buenos días, estoy intentando ingresar un dominio personalizado pero sale que el dominio contiene palabras que están en la lista negra. Podrían por favor ayudarme a que mi dominio deje de estar en esa lista negra y lo pueda utilizar. gracias.

Can you please provide the domain that is blacklisted?

Claro, es Help me please!!

Can you set your nameservers to and firstly?
If you haven’t already done so.

You should be able to park it now.

already did. I already put the DNS but when I add the domain to 000webhost it tells me: “the domain contains words that are blacklisted”.

Try adding it without www :slight_smile:

Are you able to do it now?
I whitelisted it for you 5 minutes ago.

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Sorry, I always added the domain without the www ( to see that you told me to try without the www, what I did was add it and it came out. Thank you. They gave me the solution.

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What is out of interest?

I don’t understand your cuestion. Can you be clarer?

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What purpose does your site have?

@Infinity is asking you about what your website is about?
What does your website do?

Bueno, la verdad es que hicimos esta web como parte de nuestra presentación de proyecto en el Sena (Colombia). Somos una entidad financiera y quisimos apoyarnos con un sitio web.

Well, the truth is that we made this website as part of our project presentation in the Sena (Colombia). We are a financial institution and wanted to support ourselves with a website.

Oh okay, that’s good :slight_smile: