Cancelled for Inactivity. porque

No puedo reactivar la cuenta ni tampoco borrarlo.
Me sale "(sitio web)“Cancelled for Inactivity” y no me deja hacer nada.
Que debo hacer?. Gracias

What is the site in question?

I’ll get an admin to look at this.

If you are seeing cancelled for inactivity, you need to migrate your old panel account to the new panel.

i have the same problem that eltitomoreno

my site is


You also need to migrate your account, follow the tutorial.

How can i do the migration?
I do not have any options

I have contacted an admin to look at this.

Me too please

my site is

I do not have any options by migrate

Unfortunately, there is no way we can recover your data from that website, as it has been canceled and deleted due to inactivity.

So hit your name under customer details and delete profile, log back in new panel appears and you can add your site back.