Cargar un index.php

Hola! Estoy en el proceso de subir mi página web, y solo me queda hacer que funcione el formulario de contacto de la misma. Me podrían explicar cómo es que debo subir el index.php y que funcione?

Desde ya muchas gracias, Constanza :slight_smile:

Hi @ConstanzaMB!

Please explain your problem in depth. Your contact form does not send e-mails?

Exacto! Carge todos de mi web con el FileZilla, incluyendo el index.php.
Cuando mando un mail de prueba, no llega el mail a la casilla de correo destinada

More customers have experienced this issue today. It appears that one of our mailing server is down. Please try again tomorrow…

We are sorry for inconvenience :sweat:

Ok. Muchas gracias :slight_smile:

it could also be the problem of your mailing script. if not then

@NGiNX is correct [quote=“NGiNX, post:5, topic:78201, full:true”]
More customers have experienced this issue today. It appears that one of our mailing server is down. Please try again tomorrow…

We are sorry for inconvenience

it could also be the problem of your mailing script. if not then

Yes, it could be that as well. I was about to perform a mailing test from her website :wink:

Ahí revisé el código por si había un inconveniente con el mismo, pero todo está en orden.
Volveré a probar mañana y comento si funciona!

hope your problem gets solved

Hi @ConstanzaMB!

@RoKTiM was right. There is something wrong with your mailing code. I am now checking it…

I have modified the code from envia.php a little. Please try sending e-mails now…

Ahí funciona
Gracias @NGiNX y @RoKTiM :slight_smile:

You are welcome :blush: