Como implementar un contador de visitas para paginas individuales?

No se si sera mucho pedir pero me pueden compartir un contador de visitas para monitorear paginas individualmente? quiero un contador que sea de cara al publico, no me gusta el contador de counter160 porque solo cuenta las visitas totales de una pagina y yo no quiero eso, yo quiero que se cuenten las paginas individualmente, no me gusta usar servicios externos, quiero un contador que sea bajo responsabilidad de 000webhost, ya que son una compañia seria, si conocen alguna forma de implementarlo me seria genial, el contador que yo tenia era por medio de php y un archivo de texto, pero viendo que no permiten archivos .txt este me dejo de funcionar, intente cambiarle la extension a .dat pero no me funciono, espero que me ayuden gracias

I don’t see why your .txt based script won’t work, .txt files work fine for me on all of my sites. Does the file just get deleted, or what? Regardless, we don’t have an individual page view counter, neither public or private. There is a general view counter in the 000webhost panel under Settings > Statistics but that is all we offer. I would suggest Google Analytics, because they have individual counters, but that’s a third party service.



/* counter */

//opens countlog.txt to read the number of hits
$datei = fopen("/countlog.txt",“r”);
$count = fgets($datei,1000);
$count=$count + 1 ;
echo “$count” ;
echo " hits" ;
echo “\n” ;

// opens countlog.txt to change new hit number
$datei = fopen("/countlog.txt",“w”);
fwrite($datei, $count);


[quote=Quote]Save the file as (counter.php). Now, on to the next part. Simply make a file named (countlog.txt) and put a (0) in it. Then save. Or, you could put whatever number you want to in the file. This is where you counter will start counting from. If your last hit counter was already at 22,000 hits, why start over? Just type in (22000) in the (countlog.txt) file!

To include the file in any page in your site all you have to do is include it. Here’s the code.[/quote]





Not sure if you want to maybe code your own counter but 000webhost at present have no counter available to new panel accounts.