Custom Domain Issues

I have changed my namesevers to 000webhost’s, and I have pointed my CNAME record appropriately.

However, after waiting the allotted amount of time, 000webhost still does not recognize that I have update my CNAME records.

Am I doing something wrong? All the information on this issue I find online is from 000webhost’s old interface and methods.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated greatly.

how long have you waited? also it would be helpful to know your domain name.

Domain name is (

I have waited about 3-4 days.

I can see that you have changed nameservers. With new panel you do not need to change your domain nameservers. You only need to point your CNAME to

Alright thanks. I have changed my nameservers back to bluehost, and with my CNAME I have had it set to

everything is resolved now

thanks again @andrius

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