Custom domain with HTTPS won't load

I registered domain on Freenom. From there I changed its nameservers to Cloudflare’s ones. In Cloudflare I added 2 CNAME records: @ and www which both point to my 000webhost website kanomaly(dot)000webhostapp(dot)com so 000webhost site and tooru(dot)ga are now linked.

Whenever I access the website directly with 000webhost domain, everything is fine but if I go to tooru(dot)ga, it shows The authors have deleted this site error. How to fix that?

It works fine, all you need to do is clear your browser cache and flush your DNS.

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I have already tried flushing DNS cache and deleting all cookies connected to hosting services and domain registrars but still I cannot see my site.

Looks fine here

Flush your DNS again or use alternative DNS see tutorials section.

Try using a VPN to access site

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