Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

Problem: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
I’m having this error on my website, I don’t understand it and I don’t know how to fix it, could you help me?
Here’s my site:

Works fine on my end

What? It works for you? '-'
It doesn’t work for me :x
Could you try to understand what’s wrong for me…?


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Clear cache maybe, empty DNS server cache as well.

Ow, I can go on the websitwebsite too, but have a look at the console. The problem is:
With Ajax, I send a request to a PHP script. This PHP go in my database anf the take the nickname and the message and send it back to the Ajax request. So, in the console, you can see an error coming from “traitement. php” (The file I talked about).

So, in the ChatBox, I can’t display any messages (and I can’t add messages in the database too)

So, could you help me?

(Sorry for my bad speaking, I’m learning English :x)

Well, I founded the problem, it was just something wrong in my code, thanks anyway!