FTP does not work


I activated the FTP option on my website and I use the correct ID and password but Filezilla send me a message saying:

Response: 530 Login authentication failed
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

What should I do? Thank you!

what url are you using for the host?


You need to use files.000webhost.com as the host instead.

Yes that’s what I used. (sorry I realized what you meant after a minute)

did you then use your site name and site password?

Yes that’s correct hexa.

can you please screenshot the error?

Here’s a screenFTPshot

hmm. I’ll let the admins know.

Hi @jgmouton!

FTP loads fine for your site:

  1. Please change the password. Use only english ASCII characters for it.

  2. Use Plain FTP as encryption protocol.

  3. Try again now.

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Hi teodor, it’s working now. Thanks a lot!