[FTP] - Getting 503 Login Incorrect Error on Node Library

I have tried to use ftp-deploy and jsftp nodejs ftp library but I got the same 503 error from both of them.
host: files.000webhost.com
port: 21 & 990
user & password: same with what I used to connect with FIleZilla

FileZilla can connect to server sucesfully without any problem

Hi @voicemega!

Please use only port 21 and disable TLS if possible.

Can you make an example of how to connect with

or any other nodejs ftp library?

because I have tried everything and it still could not connect successfully.

connecting with FileZilla is always succesfull no matter if i disable TLS or not

@voicemega Sorry Nodejs is not supported on 000webhost platform.
Check this link for available features: