FTP not working for me

I’m on server server36.000webhost.com, and I cannot connect via FTP. I’m trying to use FireFTP, and also the file managers in the CP. Neither work. Is there an issue with this server?

Nevermind. It seems to be working now. I have been trying all morning.

UPDATE: Now it’s not working again. Any insight on this issue?

Same here… :frowning:

Yeah, not working?

what did you use to connect to ftp?

server 33… dont connect... Now.. I cant see my Ftp… data… it wors that days ago…
I really worry aboput it, because i can`t work…

Yes, the admin write about that
read this:


Admin wrote on the 13th that it would be fixed in 2 days. We are now at day 4. Any update from Admin?

I think I heard that server 33 and 36 are suffering from DDos attacks.

the 2 days went to 4 days because there is minimal weekend help at the datacenters, i don’t know it server33 is fixed yet, but i expect it will be soon.