

I none agree

You are concidering about something else

They advertise a free SSLCertificate with a PremiumPlan and not

include the manadatory year purchase and when a costumer inquires

about purchasing hosting they say oh well you need to purchase

a plan for a year and so the SSLCertificate shall be being free

I suppose that is not fair to the costumer

That is my concideration that it is FaltAdvertisement and if you want

you should make a sugjestion to not allow that deprivement to be


Tell them that i said so


But if you go with yearly, you get the free ssl and save money? Don’t you want to save money?

I new that

It be irrelevant

Try to be more concerned about the correct and sensible

descriptions that need to be present for the SatisfactoryPresence

That is GoodBusiness

Anyway i am LoggingOut


Thanks for your concern

Have a GoodDay


I’ll see if we can change that on the Hostinger site so more users don’t have this same confusion. :slight_smile:

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I suppose in time

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