How to add code for Google Adsense with Zyro web builder?

Hello everyone!

I use Zyro Web Builder for my website and I wanted to sign up for Google Adsense. When I was signing up, it said to add code that it gave me and put it right after the tag to verify my website. However, I can’t view and edit the raw code with Zyro, so what can I do? Thanks for any help!

@sulliops, could you please advise?

I’m assuming they gave you HTML code, so you need to go to the website builder and hover over the advanced tab. Under there you’ll find a Google Adsense section, so just drag and drop that on your website. Then double click it and paste the HTML code in the box, and uncheck the check box that says Deacitvate content while in builder (recomended).

Then click apply and continue editing your site like normal.

I had done that, but my site never got approved because Adsense didn’t see the code

Did you make sure to publish the webpage? I can’t think of any reason why it wouldn’t work other than that.

Yup, it was published. Do you think it had to be right after the tag?

That’s possible, but I don’t see why it would have to be like that… Maybe contact Google about another verification method?

Alrighty, thanks for the help!