How to create a emails

We’re glad the issue has been fixed :blush:

Also note that daily e-mail quota is 50. You are allowed to send up to 50 emails/day, not more.

ok, thank you

I have a few questions

  1. on this email not received emails coming if we sent an mails to 2 email,

  2. can you show me where you edited on my form?

  3. can you show me how make an replay email auto, you can see the screenshot like example attached below

on this email not received emails coming if we sent an mails to 2 email,

Maybe your mailbox provider has blocked our mailing servers because they were abused in the past, in which case there is nothing we can do about it.

can you show me where you edited on my form?

The file was located in /public_html/Mtrack ltd/about_us.php or so but the file does not exist anymore to show it to you…

can you show me how make an replay email auto, you can see the screenshot like example attached below

You could use Reply-To header and reply to your customers automatically. Please see this thread for more information:

ok thanks very much, i saw where your edited,

if you through on my website on the bottom of logo there is the one logo(png ) is not coming, but on the localhost is coming well?

can you check what is the problem pls


are you checking or?

Since we’re hosting your website on UNIX systems, filenames are case sensitive, and your image is not sent by the server to the client.

Please rename your logo from /images to GIL-logo.png and it should load fine :wink:

hellow teodor

Hellow are you there?

hello teodor,

can you rechecked my PHP script again, i can send contact info to my email,

i forgot to take a backup for that file -about-us.php

@teodor @teodor @teodor

Hi @Emma4082!

I apologize for such late reply.

I have updated the PHP script and sent you a test e-mail. Hopefully now it works the way it suppose to. :slight_smile:

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