How to install analytics for your website!

So you’d like to have some insight on who is visiting your website?

Then you need to get this script installed pronto!


Follow the instructions to get an email with the download link!

Click DOWNLOAD NOW right at the bottom…

You’ll get an email almost straight away

Sorted we’ve got the script - part one done.

Once downloaded you now need to upload the script onto your 000webhost account, I’ll be using FileZilla.

Also I’ve already preinstalled unzipper.php for unzipping it on the hosting.

See tutorials if you’ve not done this step it takes 10 seconds…

Now both unzipper and your analytics file should be uploaded simply visit unzipper.php to unzip your analytics…

Now visit

Hit create configuration file!

Then continue and let’s go!

Type in the details you’ve created in the 000webhost back end control panel…

Now smash that IMPORT button!

Ta-da! Simple as that!

Time to login to your new analytics panel!

It should present you the code you NEED TO INSERT IN ALL YOUR WEBPAGES YOU WANT TRACKED.

If not hit the settings button and it should give you it.

I’d also recommend changing your password and email within it - click Profile.

So that is you up and running - make sure to paste the code into your webpages and then you’ll be able to view stats!

If you need any help or advise do reply!

Happy website building!

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After a user contacting me about an error I’d recommend switching your PHP version to 5.5 guys if installing this script :slight_smile:
Any errors feel free to reply here or send me a message.

If you’d like any more script tutorials or anything at all do message/ post a thread!

Happy website building :slight_smile: