How to set the PHP register_globals directive in my .htaccess file

I tried php_flag register_globals off or register_globals off
and after it in phpinfo(); I could not find register_globals
What’s wrong with what I’m doing?

Hi @donetsk!

This facility has been turned off since PHP 5.4.0.

Please lower your PHP version and try again: cPanel > Settings > General > Change PHP version > 5.2

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@donetsk As said above,

Downgrade to php version 5.2 or 5.3, then only can use “register_globals”.

You should read this too.

I’m using version 5.6 Current version: PHP 5.6 , but this does not affect the register_globals in any way, at least I do not see any changes in phpinfo ();

Perhaps the path for the file .htaccess is not correct?

Oh no, I want to prohibit the use of register_globals for protection against hackers

@donetsk [quote=“donetsk, post:5, topic:70287”]
Oh no, I want to prohibit the use of register_globals for protection against hackers

Then you can simply upgrade your php version to 5.4 or above from Settings – General.

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Perhaps the path for the file .htaccess is not correct?

It will not work. PHP team choosed to disable it. Please read this for more information.

Your only choice is to lower your PHP to < 5.4

Please look a little higher. Current version: PHP 5.6

In version 7 too?

No, it will not work on PHP 7. Only versions below 5.4