i didn’t expect why could this happen? is there any wrong with it?

wwwpuppygamestudio","Danielkevin288")or die ("koneksi gagal");
$database=mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE puppy");

$tabela=mysql_query("CREATE TABLE tbtamu(id INT(11) AUTO_INCREMENT,nama VARCHAR(20),email VARCHAR(20),alamat VARCHAR(20),jenkel VARCHAR(20),password varchar(20),PRIMARY KEY(id))");

Use localhost instead of

thank for your reply. i have changed it but still connection error

it show this message
Warning: mysql_connect(): ProxySQL Error: Access denied for user ‘id5731223_danielkevin’@‘2a02:4780:bad:f00d::3’ (using password: YES) in /storage/ssd2/223/5731223/public_html/koneksi.php on line 2

Did you fill in the code with the 000webhost mysql credentials?

oh it’s okay now… thank you for your help… actually the username must fill with id00000(idnumber)_yourname. :joy::joy:

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