Image not displaying in my website

i wasnt able to put the banner off/

but why same of the image i can see in view (like trip_1.jpg)
and same i can see only in preview (like logo.png)

i think the diffrence is the reason i cant see them in the site.

You need to upload contacts-26.png into /images/

Apart from that your site appears to function fine?

Hit up General Settings on > Turn Banner Off

its there:

but when i try to view it doesnt show:

only in preview:

Tis loading fine now it wasn’t there when I tried earlier.

what was the problam? i have it with other images as well.

There is also the same situation

What is your website URL?


Because servers are hosted on UNIX systems, filenames must be case sensitive! For example, image33.png will not be the same with image33.PNG.

Please recheck your linked images! Make sure their linked path(s)/filename(s) are correct and the same as the real ones!

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is your issue solved??