Issuing of fatal error

finally log in now what should I do next?It is not showing anything .htaccess. please guide me a little bit more.

Now add the code at 1 line

will it work as an 600?

Yes if 300 is not working fine then you can change it to 600 also but not more than this. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I need to change my website (hosting) sleeping time but it is not working and sleep at an old time.

@mantas.daraciunas Sleep time error

Please wait a little bit. The new time settings should be applied soon. If the site still sleeps at the old time tomorrow, please let us know and we’ll investigate further. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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What type of these issues are?

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What is your current time execution value?

8:38 pm pakistani time

I mean the value that you have set like 300 or 600

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yes 300 than change to 600

Sir, still I am facing fatal issues change from300 to 600 and I send screenshot

Hey so what are you trying to achieve?

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Resolve the fatal error in WordPress nothing else. I am stuck to complete my website due to this error.