Joomla website does not work PHP 7 and works on PHP 5.6

Hey … i have a problem with my webpage. I copied the files and db from my localhost and changed information in configuration.php, but the site does not work. What is the problem? My DB user in id174769_stalaglinsek.

What is your website and what script are you using?

My test site is is still under construction. I use Joomla.

What is are the values of your config file? Just blank out the password ****** though
Does any of this ring a bell or help?

Are you uploading a configured Joomla installation from localhost onto a remote system like 000webhost?

Or have you a brand new fresh installation file of Joomla, uploading that and installing it fresh on 000webhost then transferring over your data from localhost?

I uploaded configured Install Joomla from localhost on the remote system 000webhost and edit confih file
public $host = ‘localhost’;
public $user = ‘id174769_stalaglinsek’;
public $password = ‘*********’;
public $db = ‘id174769_stalaglinsek’;

Do I need to change anything else?
public $log_path = ???
public $tmp_path =???

If you are using the new control panel

Then you shouldn’t have to change anything.

If you are using the old control panel then you’ll need to change localhost to the mysql server you are on.

public $log_path = ‘/home//public_html/logs’;
public $tmp_path = '/home//public_html/tmp’
Possibly could work? or remove home as well?

Is that the full config.php file?

While running it on localhost did you have it setup in any directories or was it root?

still it does not work … thing is to work with XAMPP server in the root directory

my full config.php file is:

class JConfig {
	public $offline = '0';
	public $offline_message = 'Spletna stran je v fazi izdelave.<br /> Obiščite nas ponovno kmalu....';
	public $display_offline_message = '1';
	public $offline_image = '';
	public $sitename = 'Štala Glinšek';
	public $editor = 'jce';
	public $captcha = '0';
	public $list_limit = '20';
	public $access = '1';
	public $debug = '0';
	public $debug_lang = '0';
	public $dbtype = 'mysqli';
	public $host = 'localhost';
	public $user = 'id174769_stalaglinsek';
	public $password = '*****';
	public $db = 'id174769_stalaglinsek';
	public $dbprefix = 'xxh9l_';
	public $live_site = '';
	public $secret = 'VlsozAe4ja45778F';
	public $gzip = '0';
	public $error_reporting = 'default';
	public $helpurl = '{major}{minor}:{keyref}';
	public $ftp_host = '';
	public $ftp_port = '';
	public $ftp_user = '';
	public $ftp_pass = '';
	public $ftp_root = '';
	public $ftp_enable = '0';
	public $offset = 'UTC';
	public $mailonline = '1';
	public $mailer = 'mail';
	public $mailfrom = '';
	public $fromname = 'Štala Glinšek';
	public $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
	public $smtpauth = '0';
	public $smtpuser = '';
	public $smtppass = '';
	public $smtphost = 'localhost';
	public $smtpsecure = 'none';
	public $smtpport = '25';
	public $caching = '0';
	public $cache_handler = 'file';
	public $cachetime = '15';
	public $MetaDesc = '';
	public $MetaKeys = '';
	public $MetaTitle = '1';
	public $MetaAuthor = '1';
	public $MetaVersion = '0';
	public $robots = '';
	public $sef = '1';
	public $sef_rewrite = '0';
	public $sef_suffix = '0';
	public $unicodeslugs = '0';
	public $feed_limit = '10';
	public $log_path = '/public_html/logs';
	public $tmp_path = '/public_html/tmp';
	public $lifetime = '15';
	public $session_handler = 'database';
	public $memcache_persist = '1';
	public $memcache_compress = '0';
	public $memcache_server_host = 'localhost';
	public $memcache_server_port = '11211';
	public $memcached_persist = '1';
	public $memcached_compress = '0';
	public $memcached_server_host = 'localhost';
	public $memcached_server_port = '11211';
	public $redis_persist = '1';
	public $redis_server_host = 'localhost';
	public $redis_server_port = '6379';
	public $redis_server_auth = '';
	public $redis_server_db = '0';
	public $proxy_enable = '0';
	public $proxy_host = '';
	public $proxy_port = '';
	public $proxy_user = '';
	public $proxy_pass = '';
	public $massmailoff = '0';
	public $MetaRights = '';
	public $sitename_pagetitles = '0';
	public $force_ssl = '0';
	public $session_memcache_server_host = 'localhost';
	public $session_memcache_server_port = '11211';
	public $session_memcached_server_host = 'localhost';
	public $session_memcached_server_port = '11211';
	public $frontediting = '1';
	public $feed_email = 'author';
	public $cookie_domain = '';
	public $cookie_path = '';
	public $asset_id = '1';

Stupid question but have you taken a backup via phpMyAdmin and uploaded this into your new database created on 000webhost via phpMyAdmin?

I exported “db.sql” file from localhost phpMyAdmin from and imported into 000webhost via phpMyAdmin. It is correct?

this is like it looks phpmyadmin on 000webhost

ok … I found a mistake … I had to change the correct version of php … from 7.0 to 5.6. :slight_smile: … Anyway thanks for the help

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