Linking a Zyro-built website to a Wordpress blog?

Good morning lovely humans.

I was wondering whether it’s possible to make the Zyro-built website I’ve done point to a Wordpress blog page.

I tried doing the whole site with Wordpress, but it’s just too hideous to use for an idiot like me.

I’ve got the right look I wanted using the standard Zyro Website Builder but having a blog with individual entry links etc looks like it would be tricky and/or inefficient to do the same way, so I wondered whether it’s possible to do most of the site with Zyro, but have the Blog menu item point to pages that are done in Wordpress.

If there’s a work-around using Zyro that would also be good - ideally I’d like to be able to have links to individual blog pages on my site that I can post on Twitter, Facebook etc. As far as I can see, doing a blog as a standard Zyro content page would require a separate page for each individual blog post, and you’d not be able to view several at once.

any help greatly appreciated…