Loading unzipped Large-Packages

I am uploading a 3mb folder called Editor-PHP-1.7.3 from datatables(.net) plugin. It looks like I need to unzip the folder first. Otherwise, the “Editor-PHP-1.7.3.zip” folder is “encrypted” (unreadable) which I hear is not normal according to datatables forums.

What is the easiest way?

1)Go to Extensions menu > Install/Uninstall > Upload Package File, click ‘Browse’ and navigate to a template zip file on your hard drive, select it, then click ‘choose’ or ‘open’ and back in administrator click ‘Upload File and Install’. That’s it! (warning: must be a zip file or Gzip or the installation won’t work.
Question: Is this above method a premium feature only? Where is Extensions menu? My screen looks nothing like the screenshot.

If this way is easier I can do further reading there. But I think #1 method should be more simple, if able to find the Ext Menu.

Hi, if you’re just looking to extract a .zip file, use the regular 000webhost file manager to upload it. You can right click on it and extract it there. Other than that, I don’t think I understand your problem.

I did a right click upload (is that what you are referring to?) the zip-folder from my desktop directly. Instead of there being a folder of CSS and JS (like on my desktop folder), I got 6000 lines of unknown characters like this: K»EÝ0BPf7M(x¿î¼à½nÁNÞMß¾!%½çe when I opened it up on webbost.

When I extract the zip file first on my desktop, it will not let me upload the zip-folder anymore. Anytime I try to upload the folder by clicking the folder, it just goes to the next folder. There are hundreds of folders within folders.

According to datatables(.net), I need to decompress the folders most likely using a webhost feature. They said that the unknown alien characters is not what the uploaded file should look like. Here is the link:

According to How do i Unzip files? (this is most likely what I need), “Go to Extensions menu > Install/Uninstall > Upload Package File,” which sounds what I need to do. However, as I stated, there is no Ext menu that I can find.

Ok. So I figured it out. Now just getting the typical error:


Looks like I just have to figure out how to link the folder within webhost to my index.php file now using require_once.

I should be able to use stackoverflow for this issue now.


Glad to hear that :slight_smile:
Do post again anytime :wink: