<meta charset="utf-8" /> no funciona de repente (not working all of a sudden)

They are Spanish characters. Accents ñ, etc. I had my web in English and Spanish, so until it is fixed, I left out the link to the Spanish version… The second image that akhilkumar332 posted in this chat from my website is a good example.

I think the documents are displayed correctly.

Anyway, I’ll check the convertor engine again. When it’s updated, and hopefully, the bug fixed, I’ll let you know in a PM :wink:

Ok, I tried again today to see why you saw it correctly (yet without css style) and found that:

-When I open the files to see/edit the code in the ‘convert’ (.html) or ‘new content’ (.php) folders, the files show the weird characters.
-When I view the webpage in the browser from the php files, they show the weird characters.
-When I first viewed the webpage in the browser from the html files in the convert folder, they were ok. But, I opened these html files to make changes in the route of some images, and the weird characters showed again in the browser. So I assume I need to edit the files in the php version, then? I still deleted the new content file and repeated the process, but now the weird characters remain :disappointed:

Also, I had to upload again the css files to the ‘convert’ folder so that it showed correctly. I have a link in the English version to the Spanish files and viceversa, but my English files are in the public folder and the files in the convert folder don’t seem to keep the link to the files in the public folder. These two folders don’t seem to communicate with each other… Will I need to move everything to the convert folder?

Anyway, since you’re already looking into it, I’ll wait for your update… Just want to make sure how to function afterwards.


Did you open them in File Manager? 000webhost File Manager is known for having issues with some character sets.

Do you have a backup of these files?

Yes, I opened them with file manager, and I have a backup.