Miner on my website HELP!

Okay, here is a new thing,
There is no miner on http://mohitbalu.000webhostapp.com
But there is a miner in http://mohitbalu.in

I have bought a domain from godaddy and hosted my website at 000webhost and then redirected the nameservers from godaddy to 000webhost,
Now I get to know that there is no issue with the 000webhost, but with the godaddy,
Thank you all for helping me out.

I assume you have solved it?

Iā€™ve still not seeing it when looking for it and my CPU usage is still on 1% even with all pages open, weird one.

Using third party themes you will often see this issue where the developer has put in their own scripts to call back and sometimes like this use CoinHive, be careful when using third party materials in the future especially themes where most are unsuspecting to the contents they are uploading to their live websites - you could be giving access to your files via shell scripts etc without even knowing if you havenā€™t checked the files correctly.

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You may have blocked these miners in your browsers, but I am still seeing it and I have also checked it on my friendā€™s browser.

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So where is the code coming from inside a file what file and what is the snippet of code if possible?

I canā€™t see such kind of script in any of the files in my file manager, but a javascript file is loaded when the website is opened in the browser, the file name differs everytime and it comes from rawcdn.githack.com

I have pasted the content of file here : https://pastebin.com/JT4qxziS