MySQL said: Documentation #9001 - Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1018 after 10000ms

Unable to access php myadmin


Has this resolved yet?

Max connect timeout generally means you are trying to perform an operation and it is hitting a limit or such.

If you aren’t performing an operation and just trying to access phpmyadmin then it is possible too many users are already connected.

Attached the screenshot. It hasn’t been resolved yet.
I’m unable to access PhP Myadmin and my application is also not running. It seems there’s some connectivity issue.

Getting this error mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result

What kind of application?

Have you tried general settings and PHP version and changing it from the latest version down to like 5.4 or something your script supports?

Now apllication is running fine but still unable to access php myadmin :sweat:

What script or application out of interest?

Simple web application. I’m a learner :relaxed:

Okay so it is online and not locally running on your computer etc.

Try and make a new database to see if you can get into phpmyadmin

Yes it’s online. I’ve already tried that and got the same error for the new one :frowning:

Thanks for ur response :slight_smile:

The issue has been resolved :slight_smile: Thanks for your response .Can I have your fb id or anything else?

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If you hit Infinity and message I get emails if that helps.