Nameserver Issues

According to this website, my DNS is fully propagated but I still have the “waiting for nameserver” on my account for my parked domain.

Any help would be appreciated. I did try to delete and re-add my domain but that didn’t work.

A screenshot would be appreciated :slight_smile:
Also, please try making the namervers capital letters:


I changed it to all caps but my registar (NameSilo) changed it back to lower case.

This is the screenshot from NameSilo. Anything in particular you want me to screenshot?

This is what it looks like on 000host:

Got this from another DNS test site. Not sure what it means.

@Help808 I see name servers on your domain dns have not fully propagated yet.
Note:- DNS Propagation may take up to 48 hrs or less.
Just try after some time. :slight_smile:

How can you tell? Doesn’t the link in my first post show it fully propogated?

I have checked and it’s not fully propagated.
If it’s fully propagated then more records will be added.

Eg:- A test domain.

Ok thank you for checking. I’ll give it more time.

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Any other issue, feel free to ask.