Required IP address for A record at DNS configuration side

Hi Team,

I’m managing my DNS on and hosted website on 000webhost. (
Everything is working fine. Currently pointing to below 2 name servers:

I’m also using bigrock’s email services for which name servers should be set to their default name servers. Now the problem is that I can point to either 000webhost name servers or bigrock name servers at a time. I contacted bigrock support and they told me that they will add a “A record” with my IP address which will resolve this issue.

Could you please provide my IP address?


@shikhapansare Use bigrock name servers in order to get bigrock domain dns access and also to use bigrock email services.

Now instead of using 000webhost nameservers(for park domain)…you can use cname to point towards 000webhost.
“Set Web Address” --> “Add Domain” --> “Point Domain”.

In this way you can use bigrock email services and same time you can make your website live.[quote=“shikhapansare, post:1, topic:61246”]
Could you please provide my IP address?

Sry, there is no fixed ip…as 000webhost use load balancers.