Siempre error al subir la base de datos con bigdump.php

Error at the line 7212: INSERT INTO smf_log_digest VALUES(417, 2538, ‘reply’, 0, 0);

Query: INSERT INTO smf_log_digest VALUES(417, 2538, ‘reply’, 0, 0)

MySQL: MySQL server has gone away

Lo he intentado 50 veces, siempre error, nunca termina. desde phpmyadmin tambien problemas. Como puedo solucionar mi problema? mi web esta off

The MySQL server is experiencing some minor issues right now, due to overload.

Please try again later.

llevo intentandolo mas de 20 dias y nunca funciona

I’ve been trying it for over 20 days and it never works

I think your script is using more resources than the server allows.

Did your script ever worked in the past?

Reinstall SMF forum if you can?

Then try importing database using BigDump correctly.

If you get the Gone Away Query Error then most likely your account will need premium to import the database.

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The script has worked on other occasions

It will not do any good to reinstall smf. When you want to import the database you will have the same problem

Since there are no syntax errors, the only remaining explanation is that the script uses too many resources.

Your only choice would be to buy a paid plan. Sorry :sweat:

@pikomule You could try to change the PHP version, but I wouldn’t count on that: cPanel > Settings > General > Change PHP version > 5.6

Thank you, I’ll try it tomorrow.

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