Simple Rpg: The Official Release

[SIZE=“5”]What is Simple Rpg?[/SIZE]

Simple Rpg is an open source rpg system developed as a basic web based game. But when you download the script, you are offered with tons of addons to make your game better and your own style. There is a wide variety of themes and the scripting is easy to edit so it’s easier for you to develop a fun game!

In the forums there is loads of support for everything you could possibly need and members for you to chat with. You can join the Simple Rpg Team and be apart of the development of Version 2 where it will be an rpg system you have never seen before! The forums also feature loads of special mods and a nice new design from the previous beta release.


Same here.

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so nice!!!

This reply From BooguLife

I can’t believe I did that! I posted this in like 6 areas and never added the link :frowning: