Site down, and it is set up the same as my others

I get this error trying to go to my website:
This site can’t be reached

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

I have files uploaded the same as my other sites that work, and it has been this way for months now. Any initial thoughts?

What does the control panel status suggest?

It has always said “active” and still does

Can you screenshot the “set web address” screen with your domain listed as active etc

Not sure what you are referring to. Maybe point me to it. Here’s the account info

Oh does this work for you?


The first one works, if I click the second one it asks me to move to the new cpanel. Should I do that?

You could try it I was thinking maybe your account might be already moved or something or stuck in the queue to be moved.
Do a backup before trying anything.

Huh, it seems I must be already set up. It says I already have new panel. It was worth a try.

Weird, if you can on the new panel hit


OK, so I don’t know how they look different, but I think I am still on the old panel. If I go to then I get this

once I log in I get this

when I click on an account I get this cpanel

Does this help?

What are the instruction to move to new panel?

  1. Login to your old panel
  2. Go to migration page and proceed move account details.
  3. You will be able to login to old panel and new panel at the same time (Email address must be the same)

When I go to the migration page I see this

If I click log in and then log in I get back here

Something is up I can’t see what though.

Try visiting your registrar and deleting then repointing the domain?

I have tried that
000webhost has cancelled some accounts for wrong DNS, but this one seems to be ok in that regard… but just doesn’t work!

When I say I have tried that, I mean I did just now, and of course it could take a bit of time to see the results…

I’d contact your registrar to see if they can flush anything out.

Else delete your old account and create new account and try to park it and upload your files again.

Still something doesn’t seem right.

My site hosted for free here

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