W3instant - a new way to explore the web


w3instant is an instant website viewer; pages load dynamically as you type. What do you guys think?

Thats cool, but it didn’t load google?

It is a very interesting idea, but is there any real use for it?

It actually opens google. You need to click on “open site”, then it opens it in a new tab.

I know that, but that is no different from just typing google in the url bar :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah there isn’t really any use for it. The only possible use I can think of is finding available domain names; a lot of times people quickly skip over a domain name that is already registered when actually the owner wants to sell it.

Some big sites such as google.com, youtube.com, yahoo.com can’t be displayed inside a web page due to the X-Frame-Options deny directive; it’s impossible to detect such sites using pure JavaScript; I thought about using JavaScript to call a PHP file to do the detection but it would be too slow