Webhosting SQL Driver error

mySQL query error: INSERT INTO id6159496_core_sys_lang_words (lang_id,word_app,word_pack,word_key,word_default,word_js,word_default_version,word_custom) VALUES(1,‘core’,‘admin_tools’,‘s_missing_key_data’,‘You must supply at least a title and key.’,0,34012,’’)

SQL error: User ‘id6159496_bobbie’ has exceeded the ‘max_updates_per_hour’ resource (current value: 5000)
SQL error code: 1226
Date: Tuesday 12th June 2018 10:41:51 PM

Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 22:41:51 +0000
Error: 1226 - User ‘id6159496_bobbie’ has exceeded the ‘max_updates_per_hour’ resource (current value: 5000)
IP Address: - /admin/install/index.php?app=install§ion=install&do=languages

mySQL query error: INSERT INTO id6159496_core_sys_lang_words (lang_id,word_app,word_pack,word_key,word_default,word_js,word_default_version,word_custom) VALUES(1,‘core’,‘admin_tools’,‘s_missing_key_data’,‘You must supply at least a title and key.’,0,34012,’’)
| File | Function | Line No. |
| admin/applications/core/modules_admin/languages/manage_languages.php | [db_main_mysql].insert | 2631 |
| admin/setup/applications/install/sections/install.php | [admin_core_languages_manage_languages].imprtFromXML | 1185 |
| admin/setup/applications/install/sections/install.php | [install_install].install_languages | 124 |
| admin/setup/sources/base/ipsController_setup.php | [install_install].doExecute | 258 |

Now won’t set up the forum board, use mysql correctly? is there something wrong this is my 4th attempt at installing the board.

Max updates per hour search Rate Limiting on the forum.

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