Website creation, site hosting, images hosting, files hosting, torrents, free domains


website creation, site hosting, images hosting, files hosting, torrents, free domains, streaming, manga, firefox plugins, free softwares, games, e-mail services, forum


Please comment my website :slight_smile:

Could something be done better ?

Wow. I rarely do this - but I bookmarked your site :slight_smile: Looks like it could be useful for my web development.

Hmm, there isn’t actually much you could improve. Only thing I would say is don’t put an admin link in the sidebar! Your just open to hackers. I think you would benefit from using Joomla as people could submit their own links, for you approval, which would increase the usefulness of your site.

thank your for your comment :slight_smile:

I will see what I can do with joomla. I hadn’t though about it, it could be very useful.

Edit: I’m starting my SunVirtualbox and I’m gonna test the joomla stuff. :slight_smile:

Edit2: I tested joomla. very good but there is way too much files for me and its a lot heavier that what I use now. My whole website is ~300kb and ~46kb compressed.

:slight_smile: Joomla’s good. I use it for my site.

oops epic failure. how can i delete this post ?

Very nice site! Only thing I didn’t like was the navigation bar… WAY long although good and useful links i think it might be better to compress them into categories if at all possible and have then open up when you click on it

something like this

^ (lets pretend that arrow is pointing the other way lol)
website hosting
image hosting
file hosting

that’s collapsible

wow im thoroughly amazed but i do agree with the collapsing sidebar

Guys, have you tried I’m about to do it, so I’d like to know your opinion!

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