When it comes to image editing, GIMP is one of the best choices. It’s free, open source and has almost the same features as paid image editors. That’s why we compiled the best places to find GIMP tutorials on the internet.

What is GIMP

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free image editor that is available for Linux, Windows, and MacOS. It has a powerful set of features to edit images exactly how you want them. It also supports 3rd party plugins that will extend its feature range. GIMP is a great addition to any webmaster’s tools arsenal.

Why Use GIMP

  • First of all, GIMP is free. Its direct competitor, Photoshop cost $10/month or $700 permanently.
  • GIMP has a small installation size and is less resource intensive. It won’t take much of your disk and slow down your computer.
  • Third party plugin support. If you can’t get what you want from the pre-installed features, there is likely a plugin for that.
  • Native .psd editor ability. Even if you are working for someone else who uses Photoshop, you can open and edit PhotoShop files in GIMP.

How Long Does It Take to Learn GIMP

If you just want to learn the basics, it won’t take long at all. Especially when you’re familiar with other image editors.

However, it is an endless process if you intend to master GIMP. It is not just about the huge amount of information. With the dynamic trends and demand in image editing, there will always be something new to learn.

Best Websites for GIMP Tutorials

1. gimp.org/tutorials

GIMP websites gives free tutorials

One of the best sources to learn GIMP is their own website. It divides tutorials into several learning phases: Beginner, Photo Editing, Painting, and Programming.

In the Beginner section, you can learn basic skills to start working right away. There are in-depth instructions on creating a simple floating logo as well as make use of layer masks and basic color curves.

You’ll acquire more technical skills in the Photo Editing and Painting sections. That’s where you will learn the concepts of Luminosity Masks, Tone Mapping, and Parametric Brushes.

In the Programming section, the tutorial lets you have a look at how to automate an edit and create a Perl script that will make your work more time effective.

2. Howtogimp.com

Howtogimp as an alternative to learn GIMP

The website mainly explains and discusses GIMP tutorials and gets frequent updates. It doesn’t classify the tutorials based on the difficulty but provides a dedicated menu for digital painting, graphic design, and weekly GIMP news.

What’s more interesting is that howtogimp has written an ebook about using GIMP to its fullest potential. The book cost $9.99. We think it will be useful for beginners and professionals alike.

3. Youtube

YouTube offers live action tutorials

There are a lot of GIMP tutorials on YouTube. Although aren’t as many as Photoshop’s, it is not hard to find what you need. Most of them explain the subjects thoroughly and easily.

Learning GIMP on YouTube is useful for those who want to learn by live example, not just text and images.


GIMP is an amazing image editor that comes with no price tag but still offers a complete set of features. Learning it might take time but you’ll find tons of help from websites and their free materials. GIMP’s website, YouTube, and howtogimp are great examples of this.

Hopefully, you can learn GIMP from those websites and use your skill to create stunning images! Good luck!

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