000webhost Banner

Some websites are currently unable to turn off the 000webhost branding. We will announce you the status of this issue the following Monday.

We are sorry for inconvenience :sweat:


My site don’t have a parked domain and I can’t disable the branding

Hi @GustaC_Lima!

I have informed the developers about your issue. Please be patient.

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Same problem. I also haven’t linked to any other website.

It’s not about linking a website, did you link any domain?

Have you parked any domains?

O banner da 000webhost está atrapalhando algumas funcionalidades da minha página, por exemplo, não reconhece alguns cliques. O que faço?

Hi @sandro_vitor!

Please go to 000webhost cPanel > Settings > General > Show banner > Off

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Can’t switch it off. I see lots of websites facing the same problem

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Criei uma solução. Vou postar o código aqui para usuários avançados.

	if($('[alt="www.000webhost.com"').length > 0) { //Localiza objeto DOM com referência ao webhost.com
		$('[alt="www.000webhost.com"').parents('div').hide(); // Localiza a DIV pai e esconde ela.

Dessa forma, o banner não aparece e atrapalha algum botão ou informação naquele lugar que ele ficou.

Obrigado pela ajuda.

Obrigado pela ajuda Elvis1.

Did you guys disable the ability for us to remove branding from our sites? It says it’s disabled in cpanel and that I need to upgrade to pro. Did you just roll this out?

Nope, that’s a small bug we will look at this soon :slight_smile:

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My site don’t have a parked domain and I can’t disable the branding

Thank you

We’re investigating the issue.

Ah, it has moved here


It was split with other topics to make all similar issues in the same topic :slight_smile: