404 Error on a file I uploaded

Hello guys,

I’m making my web site with the web site builder and I uploaded some .PDF Files which works perfectly except the last I uploaded. I put a picture linked with the file I wanted (Like all the other file on my website) but it’s the only one who gives me an “404 Error”, I tried to delete it and Upload it again but it keep giving me the error.

Go to williampons.000webhostapp.com then to the section “Stages” and click on the TV Logo and it will normaly gives you the 404 Error.

Just be aware that files are case sensitive :slight_smile:

So how can I fix the problem ? The PDF is a microsoft word file exported in PDF and I tried to do it again but it still don’t work. Is there a limit for the files we can upload or something like that ? I don’t really know how to fix the problem so if you have any answer about broken files that could help me :slight_smile:

Issue fixed :slight_smile: