Access denied for user access


I have an access denied for user with #1044 code on PHPmyAdmin?

Can you help me to fix it ?

What is the code you are using?

im using a zip php files

And what is the connection code?

to do what ?

Do you want my password ?

Where do you see this?

when I import my gz file on PHPmyAdmin

Be sure to click on your database first :wink:
The idxxxxxx_yyyy database

i do it, im learning web devlopement :wink:

but i’m blocked by this code when i’m on the database

How big is your gz file?

His is size is Only 111Ko

Can you upload it online and give me the link to your file?

(Action done, link has been hidden)

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Alright, I imported your database successfully after modifying some code in it :slight_smile:

what’s the problem ? to know the problem for the future

It had a


Function that doesn’t work unless you have a VPS :slight_smile:

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