Am having problems logging into my cpanel

i m having problem login to my cpanel. but my login details are correct.

Do you mean you are having

Please wait... Connecting to server... Retrying in 5 seconds

Wait some time, and your issue will be solved :slight_smile:

how long is it going to be resolved?

We have no specific time, maybe you can try accessing your cPanel while being connected to a VPN.
You can use Softether.
If you want to access your files, you can access them through FTP, like filezilla client.

oh c’mon, i dont have filezilla, and i actually prefer uploading directly without it…so help me with this.

Try this online ftp manager

well tank you… but i still cant use it

What does it say?

its saying wrong username name and password

but why is 000webhost not connecting… is the server having issues?

Yes, sometimes, the server has some issues, preventing some users to login to their cPanel, wait some time and everything will be fixed :slight_smile:

alright if you say so… i also have another issue to relate
(other topic)