An internal error occurred. Our developers have already been notified Website Building

can you help me fix this please. I have one website and tried making another to test something but keep getting this error message.

Maybe a temporary glitch or try using another name, I’ve successfully created a new site on your account you’ll need to delete

can you just create it with a name I give you as I’ve tried and with every try the name gets taken and I get given an error message

sorry for the inconvenience dont know what to do really as its getting frustrating. it tells me when a name is not available so I change but other than that just get the message in the screenshot

What name do you want?

sparkgeofire if possible please

thank you for the assistance I got it done finally thanks again mate

I did try earlier but it was taken so I tried two more and then I hit the requests limit so I gave up I meant to post back sorry!
Glad you resolved it yourself :slight_smile:
I’ve upped your limit from 2 to 3 websites (if you can even make the third! :joy::rofl:)

thank you very much :wink: