Aparece 502 Bad Gateway al entrar a mi web

Dear Forum Administrators … I inform you that when entering my website

error appears 502 Bad Gateway .
I can enter my website and verify my files without any problem.
Is it a server problem or a dns ??
They can solve that problem or my positioning in Google will have problems.
I appreciate your management.

Hi, I’m hosting a website on 000webhost link using a custom domain of https://www.fletchermace.tech/ .

When I try to access the website I get “Error 524 - A timeout occurred”. I can’t access my Wordpress admin panel either.

I’ve tried clicking the repair button on cpanel but it had no effect. I’ve had a look around on the forums but can’t find a solution. Please could I get a bit of advice because I’m not sure what to do now?


It would appear some users are currently affected by long load times, endless loading or timeouts like 502/524

You can TRY toggling PHP version via the control panel > MANAGE WEBSITE > GENERAL WEBSITE SETTINGS.

Try 8.0, then toggle each version down if you continue to face problems, if no versions work then leave it on 8.0 and it will resolve itself once the traffic on your server calms down, simply there is too many users online and developers / administrators are working to add capacity to the free services.

Just wanted to confirm that this worked for me. I toggled my PHP version from 7.4 to 8.0 and my website is now loading again.

Thank you for the solution.