Archived Website is not being restored

Hello I use my 000webhost project to program and test my site, before I will publish my Project one day.
Since I do not work to frequent on, it has been archived lately and I have trouble restoring it.
I have waited 1 day so far and I’d really like to continue working on it.
The address is
I would really appreciate if you can help me out.

It will restore once storage is added, archived websites are stored off the free servers and when you restore it then it will be pulled back here, but there is no storage here currently so you’ll need to wait until we free up space / add more storage this week

Thanks for your fast reply!
Ok, I hope it will available sometime in the next few days.
I just feared it will be gone.
Will I need to click the button again once space is available or will it be queued up?

Fingers crossed it’ll restore in the next few days yeah automatically restored today I think

My Website is archived and i would like to get the files again, can u guys help me?

The Websites are: and

I’m a student and the website files will help me much!

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Queued both for you.

Thank you very much… website restored
Your web hosting is so awesome too…

Thank you very much for the help!