Are there still database issues currently?

I see the notification at the top concerning Wordpress users but this doesn’t apply to me. My webpage is a simple PHP script that runs auth queries against the database based on data received through POST and returns a value (a few bytes at most). For the past 12+ hours it hasn’t been returning any data leaving my users unable to authenticate.

So as my title states, is there currently some database related issues that are affecting users in general and not just those using Wordpress or is this related to just my site? It’s been working fine before today for a week or two. I know there was a notification last week when you guys were updating your hardware.

I highly doubt it concerns the rate limit as my script closes the connection after running. FTP wasn’t connecting earlier today but it does now - which is why I’m guessing there’s something happening on your end.

There is currently a db issue on one node because it is handling the strain of another node that is being replaced. This is going on and off but we have no control over it until the replacement server arrives and is installed.