Borrar publicidad de mi dominio

Hola. Recientemente intente vincular mi dominio con el hosting gratuito de000webhost, tuve problemas por no disponer de la ip del sevidor directamente de la pagina oficial.
Después de varios intentos desistí. Elimine el dominio de mi cuenta de 000webhost y ahora me sale la publicidad de 000webhost. Directamente redirecciona a su pagina cuando me meto en la mía.
Encima me pongo en contacto con ellos, y me dicen que escriba en el foro. yo solo necesito que desvinculen mi dominio. Ya me habia pasado esto no se porque he vuelto a confiar en ellos. Estoy muy ha disgusto.

Hi @iwannagoout!

You can turn off the banner by going to 000webhost cPanel > Settings > General > Show banner > Off

We are really sorry to hear how hard it was for you to link your domain using 000webhost. Unfortunately we don’t provide support for adding A records because we are using balancers to handle all the traffic, thus finding the exact IP of your website is impossible.

Your only choices to link your domain to 000webhost is either by parking it, either by pointing it using CNAME records. Please follow this tutorial to perform one of the methods.

Hi. I didn’t talk about my IP website I talk about your IP server; only appear the name of servers and I was needed the IP of 000webhost for link, 000webhot don’t bring this information. Anyway, I pass this part, I don’t want help or explication about that.

My problem now is not the Show banner, how you suggest, I delete my domain of your website, but my url steel redirecting to 000webhost landing, is so disturbing. And I really angry that I need create and account on a forum for simple ask rather than have a direct communication via email.


own domain:
user 000webhost: lacubanandante

My problem now is not the Show banner, how you suggest, I delete my domain of your website, but my url steel redirecting to 000webhost landing, is so disturbing.

This issue is related to DNS propagation time, which can take up to 24 hours, sometimes even 48.

According to, your domain doesn’t even point to 000webhost anymore. So yes, it is a DNS propagation time issue, which is out of out control. Please be patient and try again later :wink:

OK. I been waiting.I hope you right.You will have news.

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