Bridge response error

Error -1 - Bridge response error. Please try again later.
What does it mean?

Where did you get that error

require '../dbconnect.php';

$xID = $_SESSION['userId'];

	$rd = $_SESSION["rdate"];
	$dt = $_POST['restime'];
	$p1 = $_POST['denproc'];
	$rt = 1;
	$_SESSION["time"] = $_POST['restime'];

	$tmp = "";
	foreach ($p1 as $key) {
		$tmp .= $key;

	$today = strtotime("TODAY");

 		$sql3 = "SELECT * FROM services WHERE Proc_ID = '$tmp' ";
        $res3 = $conx->query($sql3);
        $row3 = $res3->fetch_assoc();
            $explode = explode(",", $tmp); 
            $m_total = 0;

		foreach ($p1 as $key1) {
		    $sql4 = "SELECT Proc_Time FROM services WHERE Proc_ID = '$key1'";
		    $res4 = $conx->query($sql4);
		    $row4 = $res4->fetch_assoc();
		    $m_total += strtotime($row4['Proc_Time']) - $today;
		$etime = date('h:i:s', $m_total+strtotime($dt));

// Same log in dapat hindi makakapagsent ng appointment

  $sel = "SELECT reservation.Res_ID, reservation.Res_Date, reservation.Res_Time, services.Proc_Services, services.Proc_Category, services.Proc_Time

    FROM reservation
    INNER JOIN services
    ON reservation.Proc_ID = services.Proc_ID
    WHERE logid = '$xID' AND Res_Status = 1 AND Proc_Category = 'Dental'";
   $res = $conx->query($sel);
   $row = $res->fetch_array() ;

    if ($res->num_rows == 1 ) {
      header ('Location:seto.php');


// 2nd appointment dapat di magtutugma sa pangalawang appointment

$sql1 = "SELECT reservation.Res_ID, reservation.Res_Date, reservation.Res_Time, reservation.Res_TimeEnd, services.Proc_Services, services.Proc_Category, services.Proc_Time

	FROM reservation
	INNER JOIN services
	ON reservation.Proc_ID = services.Proc_ID
	WHERE logid = '$xID' AND Res_Status = 1 AND Proc_Category != 'Dental' 
	AND Res_Date = '$rd' ";
	$res1 = $conx->query($sql1);
	while ($row1 = $res1->fetch_array()) {

    if ($row1['Res_Time'] == $dt) {
      header ('Location:setn.php');
    } else {

    	$sql = "INSERT INTO reservation ( Res_Date, Res_Time, logid, Proc_ID, Res_Status, Res_TimeEnd ) 
		    		VALUES ('$rd','$dt', '$xID','$tmp', '$rt', '$etime')";
		 $x = $conx->query($sql);	
		    		if ($x) {
					 header ('Location:sent.php');



	$sql = "INSERT INTO reservation ( Res_Date, Res_Time, logid, Proc_ID, Res_Status, Res_TimeEnd ) 
		    		VALUES ('$rd','$dt', '$xID','$tmp', '$rt', '$etime')";
		 $x = $conx->query($sql);	
		    		if ($x) {
					 header ('Location:sent.php');



This is my code above.
I don’t understand at first it was working, now it is not working.

Can you screenshot exactly where you get this error?
If it is related to our hosting we can let developers know and they’ll investigate.

If the message comes from your script/code then likely we will be unable to help.
Best to try on another free host if the code was working then stopped. will be your best friend too.