Cannot download archived website

I was not aware that 000webhost had moved platforms - so I did not move my website manually. It has been archived and there is a download option for me to get it back up and running, but when I click on the download link I just get an error message:
{“result”:[],“error”:{“message”:“An internal error occurred. Our developers have already been notified.”,“status_code”:500}}

Does anyone know how I can get my website back?

Please try again in 24 hours

Ok, will do. Thank you.

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Waited 24 hours and still having same issue - is there anything else I can try, do not really want to rebuild the website… thanks.

Notifying the developers :slight_smile:

I’ve notified a developer @tautvis

Same for me.

I’ve notified a developer @tautvis

Same for me : auxplaisirsdantan dot webatu dot com

What are you seing exactly?