Cannot login into


I’m can’t log in to to my account when I request the ‘forgot password’ reset link is never sent to my email. Although, I was able to login to a forum. The reason I’m writing it, my website is down, and when I tried to log in to my account - I can’t. Can anyone please assist me? Thanks!

The 000webhostapp URL or email used?

If you don’t get an email it is likely the account was removed for inactivity, you can check this by signing up again?


I have the same problem. I thought my account was removed for inactivity. I signed up again the same e-mail adress but when i try to add a new park domain, I got the following error: “This domain already in use.”. How can I reach my site?


If you provide the domain I can ask developers to dive in and remove the virtual link that likely exists with your deleted account and domain.
It may be faster to use alternative hosting sadly sometimes as I’m still waiting for 4 domains to be resolved since 20th Dec.

Ok. Thanks for the reply. It is time to change host.

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