Changed email now locked out

Hi, I got married and changed my name and email address. I also forgot my 000webhost password. I am unable to access my old email address associated with my 000webhost account to receive a forgot-email link. Is there any other way to recover my forgotten password? Thanks a bunch. I teach at Palm Beach State College and would really like to recover my site if possible.

Peter Bransché

What is the URL and email related to this query?

I’ve updated that account to use the same email as your forum address - check the inbox for a verification email?

Thank you - I received the email. This is a new site I created when I was locked out of my original site. Are you able to do the same for the one I still cannot access? Thanks so much for your assistance!

So like I said I’ve switched that URL over to your forum registered email :slight_smile:

So you’ve two accounts

1 being linked to which is showing you’ve accessed yesterday with no problem

2 being <<< which no longer exists as you’ve confirmed the email to I changed it to yesterday being >>> >>>

So if don’t know the password for just fill out the password reset form :slight_smile:

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