Clients receiving "website blocked" notifications when revisiting my site

Alright, so my website is up, but my clients are receiving error messages when they attempt to re-visit my site saying that it is blocked, or the server “refused to connect”.

Why are they not able to access my site more than once???

I have a forum linked to the site for them to use, as I teach people to trade in the forex market. But they can’t even access the site! What’s wrong?? Is it the “” branding that is getting it blocked and inaccessible?? this is very frustrating.

Please help!

Thanks in advance!!

Can you ask one of them for a screenshot and then upload here?

Absolutely, he’s gonna do it in a few moments, when he’s not driving.

This is the notification he gets…

Thanks for the screenshot. Is he using a network that blocks some sites or is he using a VPN?

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No he is not, at least not to his knowledge.

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Does it work on his desktop?

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No, his phone and computer both display the same message.

While connected to data or on WiFi?

@Infinity on both sir.

Doesn’t make much sense there are no limitations to block certain users unless you have personally used the Security tab on and blocked any individual IP address or ranges etc.

I personally can’t find any issues.

I just loaded your site on 168 different browsers on multiple connections too and didn’t see one bring up the same error :frowning:

Is his phone date and time correct and the same for his desktop?

And I haven’t done that. So why would someone receive such a notification? Can you explain what it means in general.

It appears to me that his internet connection to the server is the issue, so it could be a modem or router issue?

To me it could be a number of things but in most cases it is local connection or device related :confused: :frowning:

I’d make sure date and time is automatically handled by the network carrier or a network address like etc. Either on the device or router settings can influence a connection sometimes.

Clear the browser history, data, cache and DNS cache and hope for the best.

I have an iOS device, and used my Mac to build the website. So! Ill let him know to erase his browser’s cache and cookies. Perhaps it will work. Thank you for our prompt support man! Major thumbs up.

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