CNAME Pointing from namecheap isnt working

I’ve tried all things recommend but I can’t get it toregister that I have set the CNAME. What am I doing wrong

@Eliot What is your domain name??

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Hi @Eliot!

Currently you have no CNAME records assigned to your domain.

To point your domain using CNAME method, you must go to your registrar first, to DNS settings and add the following CNAME records:

@ ->
www ->

Then go to 000webhost cPanel > Set web address > Add > Point domain :wink:

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@Eliot Can you update cname “” again with TTL 3600, then wait till it’s get fully propagated and then try again.

now is working but not just

@Eliot Both works fine on my end.

Clear your browser cache and data and then try again.